Damp Un site utilisant Réseau Cerfacs


DAMP is the result of a fruitful collaboration betweenlogo_cerfacs2-1024x160
LNHE (EDF R&D) ,logo-edf_long
SCHAPI and SPC SAMA (Seine Amont Marne Amont),
that started in 2007. This collaboration implies technical developments and applicative studies MEDDEcarried out in the framework of PhD and post-doctorates as well as in co-funded projects (CERFACS auto-funding, Midi-Pyrénées, H2020, LEFE, DREAL).

DAMP was developed and used for S. Barthélémy (MiPy région, SCHAPI), J. Habert PhD (DREAL, SPC SAMA), and N. El Mocayd (on going, CNES/EDF) Phd’s.

Collaborations around DAMP and more widely on data assimilation and hydraulics/hydrology are maintained with IRSTEA (Montpellier), LIMSI, LHSV, Météo-France, LEGOS, CNES, JPL and University of Ohio.


Hello DAMP!

Welcome to DAMP's webpage dedicated to data-driven river hydrodynamics modeling derived from a collaborative work between CERFACS, EDF R&D and SCHAPI!...

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